Fake Tan

Sun-tanned skin is a popular beach accessory. Despite the harm and health disadvantages, people still go for that sun-kissed look. Sun tanned skin looks great in a bikini and can even make you appear slimmer. A good tan also hides veins, cellulite and other skin issues.

Sun tanned skin presents a dilemma. People want the look of the tan but not the disadvantages. If your aim is to look beautiful, why put your skin at risk? Tanning can cause premature aging, wrinkles, sun spots and other problems. Sunbathing is also linked to cancer. A good tan also takes work to maintain. Your skin will not stay sun-kissed for long. You may need many sessions at the salon or beach to keep your tan.

Although sunless tanning also requires maintenance, it is much safer. Sunless tanning creams preserve your skin and health. You can have the same look with a fake tan as you can with a sun tan. The St. Tropez Everyday Gradual Tanning range allows you to develop your fake tan gradually. Alternatively, their instant tan line can give you a glowing tan instantly.

Fake tanning allows you to get the sexy beach look of traditional tanning without the time and frustration. It also preserves your precious skin. With a fake tan, you get the best of both worlds. Self-tanning is like fat-free chocolate! You can indulge without the guilt or fear of what it may do to your looks. Try a fake tan and see what you’re missing!

Learn more about St. Tropez self tanners…