Trichotillomania and Eyelashes

Trichotillomania, also known as hair pulling disorder, is an impulse control disorder characterised by a long term urge that results in the pulling out of one’s hair to the point where hair loss is noticeably visible.

Hair removal may occur anywhere; however, the head and around the eyes are most common.

The scalp is the most common pulling site, followed by the eyebrows, eyelashes, face, arms, and legs.

Attempt to stop hair pulling often fail, but there is one method solution that can help with the appearance of pulling eyelashes.

How to Re-Grow Eyelashes

LiLash is the worlds leading eyelash serum and does wonders for helping to grow your natural eyelashes.

Whether you’ve got short eyelashes and just want lovely long ones, or you (or someone you know) suffer from Trichotillomania and want to help with eyelash growth, LiLash is the answer.

Used daily for 4-6 weeks, LiLash will give you the longest, fullest lashes you’ve ever had.

  • Longer lashes in only 4-6 weeks
  • Physician formulated & clinically tested
  • Non-irritating
  • Doesn’t sting. Safe for sensitive eyes
  • Less natural breakage than extensions

Size: 4.0ml (6 month supply)

Learn More About LiLasH

Amanda’s Review of LiLash for Eyebrow Pulling

I purchased this product for my beautiful 13 yo daughter who suffers from an anxiety disorder called Trichotillomania, which causes her to pull out her eyelashes and hair.

It has been such a long road of recovery for my beautiful girl, although we seem to have the anxiety under control and I was looking for a product to help grow her eye lashes back as she had none and they were not growing.

Your product arrived just after Christmas in early January and my daughter has been using it on both eyes each morning when she cleans her teeth (as a reminder).

The result is amazing, she now has a full set of eyelashes on both sides, although some lashes are thin – where the pulling had been significant over the years, the lashes on the edges of her eyes are thick and long, so hopefully the more she uses this product the thicker the lashes will get over time.

I cannot thank your team and this product enough for what it has done for my precious daughter and her self confidence, we are truly grateful for all the honest reviews as this product really does work.

Amanda, February 21 2017